Got diagnosed about a month and a half ago, 10mm x 5mm at this point. I had a sudden almost total hearing loss in the right ear, went to the ENT. They prescribed an MRI and prednisone, I got the majority or all of my hearing in that ear back about five days later, and an MRI and subsequent diagnosis later that week..
I already had hearing aids, although this was my GOOD ear.. Too many years of shooting and power tools..
I went and saw their associated neurotologist a few weeks later, and moved basically into a wait and see mode with a second MRI supposed to happen in September. During that visit, he did a "drunk test" and that was the first time I noticed my balance was affected. I may very well have just not noticed a problem before that, but I dang sure do now. I sent an e-mail to that neurotologist's office saying "is this what I can expect"? (dizzy spells quite often through the day, balance issues, etc.: I haven't "wiped out" yet from losing balance, but it's certainly noticable.) They then recommended another Audi test and an ENG test. I'm not sure just what that will tell them besides "take another MRI"? It's scheduled for week after next, but everything I've read about that leaves me with "just what good is that going to do? We already KNOW what the problem is".. Anybody have any revelations for me on that?
This has certainly occupied a healthy dose of my thoughts since the diagnosis, and my few days as 1/2 deaf have left me thinking that I REALLY, REALLY don't want to lose that for good.. I'm sure I'm overreacting there, there's a lot of people that have handled it better than I'm giving myself credit for, but that was an eye-opener.. Fortunately it is apparently quite small and I've got some time to think about this. Unfortunately, I've got some time to think about this....