Hi Everyone, I am new here to the forum. I found out on 3/17 that I have a 1cm acoustic neuroma on my right ear. About 12 years ago while at work I had what I describe as a loud pop in my ear, and a persistent ringing. i went to an ENT at the time who said it was just tinnitus, and there was not much they could do for it. Fast forward 12 years, the hearing in that ear has been getting worse, I returned to the ENT who then sent me for an MRI, and here I am.
i am scheduled for retrosigmoid surgery the end of next month at Sloan Kettering in NYC. I have done quite a bit of my own research via google, but havent come across much on recovery times.
I guess my main question for those of you that have been through this particular surgery is how long after surgery were you able to return to work? I have a desk job, so its not particularly stressfull on my body, however i only have about 3 weeks of personal time I can take. I know 1 week will be needed in the hospital after surgery, which would leave me with 2 weeks post surgery at home with the time that I have, which is a concern because my wife is currently out of work being a stay at home mom to our 6 month old, and we wont be able to afford me being out on disability as well.
My job is fairly lenient with time off, and I can probably work from my home after i have used the personal time I do have. Just trying to get a good idea from those who have been through this surgery what to expect.
Tim K