Author Topic: 4 weeks postop from Retrosigmoid with Dr. Weaver/Dr. Bennett at Vanderbilt  (Read 4361 times)


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Hi all.

I had a retrosigmoid craniotomy to remove a 2.2 centimeter acoustic neuroma on my left side on April 6th. 

I woke up from surgery with no hearing in my left ear, double vision and total facial paralysis on the left side.  The doctors said that while my tumor was somewhat medium in size, the "box" it sat in was smaller than they've seen in the past.  My brain was sitting lower and farther forward and they could not find the markers for where the nerves were under the tumor. 

I have since had a platinum weight inserted in my left eyelid to help with closure.  The eyelid still does not close totally unless I point my eye down before closing and I wear an eye bubble and gel in the eye at night to help it stay moist.  I'm slowly getting my energy back.  I mowed the lawn for the first time yesterday and thought I was going to pass out afterward but I made it  :D  The most frustrating thing is the double vision.  Based on other stories I've read on here, this is just something I'll have to wait for.  I have vestibular therapy once a week.  I'll go back to work at the end of May.  My ENT has approved wearing an eye patch to drive until the double vision goes away.  I hope to start trying to drive in a few days. 
The balance issues have been frustrating but maybe the easiest to get use to so far.  I'm walking a couple of miles a day when its nice and I use an elliptical for exercise during rainy days.  I'm glad to be getting back on my feet :)
Retrosigmoid craniotomy - April, 2017
Gold weight, left eye -  May, 2017
Facial nerve graft - September, 2017


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Sounds like good progress. If the double vision continues they can prescribe prism glasses. You would see a neuro opthamologist for that. :)
12/2013 5mmx4mmx4mm left
tinnitus, w&w
5/2015 7mm-louder tinnitus, occasional dizziness
retro sigmoid 11/2015


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Hi ToyYoda! I'm 3 weeks post op and am going through the same. I had a small tumor and perfect hearing, but came out with complete hearing loss, facial paralysis and also had a large CSF leak last week. This week has been much better, but I couldn't imagine mowing a lawn! I am doing facial massage and have started acupuncture. That's too bad that your eye won't completely close even with the weight. Do you think it's worth it? I am thinking about it. I use Glad press n seal over my eye 24/7. Not a lovely look but it brings in more light than an eye patch. How is the driving? I'm a bit apprehensive about that too. I am sending you good luck healing thoughts and hope you make great strides.


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Sounds like good progress. If the double vision continues they can prescribe prism glasses. You would see a neuro opthamologist for that. :)

Thanks, bethtretrault!  I'll definitely be looking for options if it doesn't go away.
Retrosigmoid craniotomy - April, 2017
Gold weight, left eye -  May, 2017
Facial nerve graft - September, 2017


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Hi ToyYoda! I'm 3 weeks post op and am going through the same. I had a small tumor and perfect hearing, but came out with complete hearing loss, facial paralysis and also had a large CSF leak last week. This week has been much better, but I couldn't imagine mowing a lawn! I am doing facial massage and have started acupuncture. That's too bad that your eye won't completely close even with the weight. Do you think it's worth it? I am thinking about it. I use Glad press n seal over my eye 24/7. Not a lovely look but it brings in more light than an eye patch. How is the driving? I'm a bit apprehensive about that too. I am sending you good luck healing thoughts and hope you make great strides.

Thank you, lablove!

Wow, sorry to hear about the fluid leak last week.  I hope all is well now!  My vestibular therapy is working on the left eye to strengthen it.  It has issues following a target so we're working on getting that taken care of on top of the balance issues. 

My doctor nixed using anything throughout the day on my eye because he wanted me using it at all times other than if I needed to drive.  He did mention saran wrap at night if the eye bubble was too uncomfortable.  Its been okay. 

I drove for the first time on Saturday.  We went to the movies (another first after surgery).  It went well with the patch and I had no issues driving like usual.  I think I overdid it because my weak eye has been really irritated the last two days.  I'm going to give it another day and then call the surgeon who installed the weight to find out what they think it might be.  My wife thinks its spring allergies affecting it.   ???

Thanks again for the well wishes and I wish you the same.  Take it one day at a time and do your best!
Retrosigmoid craniotomy - April, 2017
Gold weight, left eye -  May, 2017
Facial nerve graft - September, 2017