So, I'm super nervous. This all started about 2 weeks ago when I went to get up out of bed and sat up and go super dizzy, I felt like my brain was spinning. I had to wait about 2 minutes before I could stand up. then I went about my day and was fine. the next morning it happened again, and its been happening again for the past 2 weeks only when getting up from a laying down position. sometimes my balance seems a little off after I get up. (prior to these episodes I had really bad headaches for about a month) anyways. I went to my doctor and they start treating me for vertigo and gave me meclizine which does nothing. finally I called my doctor back because it wasn't getting any better, and that's when I ended up at the ENT. so he did a hearing test and my hearing is perfect. The only thing that was off was I didn't have any acoustic reflexes, but he said that's really not a big deal that it can be common. he said since my hearing was normal he couldn't do the other testing but set me up for a vestibular test. so I had that done last week, and I just saw him today for the results,. and he said that my left ear shows weakness, and wants me to do some exercises and if that doesn't help I have to do physical therapy, but my right ear came up abnormal on the ABR and I have to have an MRI with contrast. I'm also having a cranial ultrasound on Monday. So naturally I get in my car and I start googling, and I start hysterical crying because I start reading that an abnormal ABR most likely is an AN. ive never had any issues up until 2 weeks ago. So now I'm super scared and nervous and I want to have the MRI like NOW!!! but naturally I have to wait for authorization. The dizziness seemed to get better in the mornings, except now I seem to have it with head movements. I know none of you are doctors, but just normal people like me who have had similar things go on, or who have had an AN. Does this sound like I could have one? My doctor said that he needs to make sure everything is ok with the nerves, I'm assuming he means nothing compressing them. Ive also read that an AN is a benign tumor, that can be treated and surgically removed. Is this all correct, but all the issues afterwards makes me have this very uneasy feeling. I had an MRI of my brain 4 years ago and it was completely normal.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.