Hi all,
Quick question for y'all. (ok ... a few questions
). I had AN surgery about 7 weeks ago (retro approach), and things are going reasonably well and I'm back at work. However the doc couldn't quite remove the whole thing, due to it sticking to the facial nerve. He said he got "98%" of it, and I'll be getting follow-up MRIs to check for regrowth. He also said regrowth was highly unlikely, but he didn't put a number on it. I'm aware that docs want you not to worry, but I'm a "numbers" kind of guy, and that kind of info would ease my mind a whole lot more than their vague assurances.
So ... first, does anyone have solid info about the historical odds of regrowth? Is it dependent on the amount of tumor that was left behind?
Second: If I DO have regrowth later, then they say radiation is the way to go. If that happens, they assure me that radiation will knock it out, with no side effects ... but again I am a little skeptical about their assurances. Does anyone have hard info there, about odds of success?
Thanks in advance,