My doctor, Doctor G.L., was out of Staten Island University Hospital. Unfortunately due to greed and lawyers, his name was dragged through the mud for awhile. He's now at Cabrini(sp?) in Manhattan.
I had slight hearting loss and mild balance problems. But being young and stupid, I chalked them up to hard living ikn college (
I know, 7 years ago, 3cm was considered large for radiosurgery, but by no means too large. I believe doctors today are routinely treating tumors 4cm with great success.
Here's my reasoning...let's say you have a 5cm tumor. If there is no immediate threat, GK/LINAC may not be able to destroy all of it, but with luck it should shrink alot. If a follow-up treatment is necessary, you can still have surgery or get further radiosurgery. However, if you damage nerves during surgery, you can't "fix" them later. A reduction in size is ultimatley the short term goal. Long're looking for a complete cessation in growth. A "failed" first attempt at radiosurgery does not change your ultimate outcome. It just means more work is required. As technology progresses, so should the success rate. If getting GK/LINAC reduces the size by 90%, it may give you another 10 years before a follow-up is necessary. In that time...something better may come along.