Hi Carolgre,
You have to do what you feel is right in your situation. Most of us have had or have ANs so may not have much experience with meningiomas,,, but having a consult with any doctor would be the same.
I feel like if I was in your shoes, I would keep my appointment for now with Dr Golfinos,, September is several months off and see how I felt about it then.
Just because he may recommend surgery does not mean you have to have it. Unlike most medical procedures where the doctor tells you what he needs to do,, say broken bone or gall bladder,,, and you have to follow their advice. With an AN, we gather recommendations and then it's really up to the patient to make the final decision about treatment or no treatment,, we usually have options available to us.
I hope you continue to do well and if your symptoms don't develop to the point of hindering your quality of life,, you may not have to do any treatment. But consults and recommendations are usually a good thing to have in hand. ,, just my thoughts,,,