Anyone with trigeminal pain BEFORE surgery? I had a bunch of testing done on Tuesday (balance, electrodes to brain stem). Met with Neuro on Thursday. Looking to do translat in next two months.
Since Tuesday I've had increasing bouts of pain in lower jaw and ear and nothing I can do helps it feel better. The drs made me feel like it's stress induced given a new diagnosis of AN and hesitant with prescription meds to help (I forget the name of the one they said exists). Apparently my tumor is not just in the canal though, it's close to my trigeminal nerve and brain stem. Have any of you found anything OTC that helps? I've tried warm compresses, holding water in my mouth, aspirin, motrin, pacing (haven't yet pulled out hair and teeth but that's what it makes me want to do). I've contacted my nurse at the hospital and am awaiting a reply. It's truly debilitating when it hits.
Thanks for helping out the new kid on the board.