I was just recently diagnosed with an AN in my right ear. It showed up on an MRI from 2004 but my PCP never followed up with me about it. In 2004 it was 5mm and now in 2017 it's 9mm. I met with Dr Santos at MA Eye and Ear and he said this was pretty rapid growth and that surgery or radiation were my options. I'm scheduled to meet with Dr Barker at MA Eye and Ear as well to discuss surgery. I'm hoping someone has either used these Dr's or can recommend a Dr in boston. I did like Dr Santos but I'm looking for either a former patients experience with him or with another Dr to ease my mind. Dr Santos said my hearing can't be saved since my tumor is growing both in my inner ear and ear canal even though I only have moderate to severe hearing loss right now. He discussed the translabrynth surgery as my best option. I'm very symptomatic too (extreme tinnitus all day, vertigo, headaches, eye pain, loss of hearing) and I would like to get the surgery done sooner rather than later as I have three small children at home that need their mom to be feeling well. I know recovery isn't easy but I'd like to get the ball rolling and obviously don't want to rush this decision. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!