I have some collapse of the nostril on the affected side which hinders breathing at times. Facial muscle tone has improved over time and so it isn't as bothersome. I hope yours will improve also,,
I notice it mostly when lying down in bed. I have noticed that if I sleep on my " good" side, my nostril closes more. Over time I have adapted by sleeping with my hand on my cheek gently holding it open,, kinda hard to explain,,, but it works,, I have used the nose strips too and that helps although I don't really need them as much now. Also if I sleep on the AN side,, the nostril closes more.
It does make me breath through my mouth at times. I keep a bottle of Biotene by my bed to squirt at night. This helps more than a glass of water. Again, dry mouth is not a big problem for me though. I try to drink a lot of water during the day to keep hydrated.
I get Botox a couple times a year only in the eye area to help with unwanted closing of the eye during eating. This has helped. Is this the area you use it in??
One of the most aggravating issues I have related to this is a runny nose!! If I get hot, or I'm in a retail store especially with clothing area,,, my nose will start dripping and I am not able to "sniff" and control or stop it,,, if that makes sense. I HAVE to have a tissue at all times with me. This really bothers me the most I think. I look like a " snotty nose" kid all too often!!! Not very sexy either

I don't have any suggestions to help it either!! Don't think there is much that can be done short of a muscle graft in the cheek area.
Hope any of this helps or gives you some comfort that you are not alone!! Some of it will get better as weakness improves or you learn tricks to adapt,,,,
Good luck