2010: no symptoms, incidental finding of 3 cm AN at age 20. I had retrosigmoid surgery, leaving a 1 cm remnant of tumor on the facial nerve. My recovery was pretty quick, although I had a total loss of hearing on the right side as well as periodic tension headaches.
2016: Tumor remnant had grown to 1.6 cm. Had Cyberknife treatment at Stanford.
3-8 months out, I felt periodic right-side facial numbness, especially during intense exercise. MRIs at 6 and 12 months showed the tumor swelling slightly, then beginning to shrink and show increasing necrosis.
14 months out: Last week I began to experience facial pain on my right cheek, jaw, and temple. While mostly experiencing no pain, I get sharp needle-prick pain when I move my face in certain ways. Specifically eating, shaving, washing my face, or brushing my teeth can bring on these sharp pains.
I have an appointment with my doc in 2 days. His nurse prescribed me the corticosteroid Dexamethasone over the phone. I am trying to wait for the visit before starting the meds, but the pain is getting worse and worse and it has become very hard to eat (even taking 10 advil per day). Should I start on the steroid? Any other tips? Thanks!!