Hi, welcome and so sorry to hear of your facial issues,,,,you aren’t alone,, there are several of us on here who have dealt with it.
I suggest contacting your neurosurgeon and discussing your options with him/her,, there are options,,
I had the 12/7 nerve graft ( facial-hypoglossalnerve) , or facial to tongue nerve. Basically I press my tongue to the roof of my mouth to smile. I have very good resting tone to that side and a fair smile. But MUCH better than without the surgery. I had this surgery 4 days after AN surgery so it’s been 6 years now. But I saw results begin soon after surgery and continue for a couple of years after. I was told 12-18 months was timeframe for results but I feel I saw results for a longer period than that.
There is also a gracilis free flap surgery that can be done to help produce your smile. Several people on here have had that. I was told VERY basically that it’s a muscle usually from your thigh transplanted into your check to control your smile.
There is also a T-3 surgery that happens more in the temple area I think,,,,,I didn’t check into it myself.
I hope others will chime in and give their experiences and advice on these surgeries,,, there IS hope for improvement,, you just have to find a good doctor. Let us know the part of the country you are in and I’m confident someone will have recommendations!
Wishes for a Happy Holidays and Peace for your heart,,,,