Author Topic: 7 Months Post Surgery  (Read 1838 times)


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7 Months Post Surgery
« on: February 15, 2018, 09:00:52 am »
I am now 7 months post surgery and things are not getting better and from the information i am getting, my depression wants to swallow me. But my dependency on God is keeping me afloat cause i believe there is nothing He cannot do.

Post surgery i still have: Complete facial palsy on my right side, my eyeball barely move, all the eye problems associated with palsy and i have double vision, i cant walk 3 steps without losing my balance, my neck is continually stiff, my left side and leg is always burning hot and becomes unbearable sometimes with sole of my feet feeling like i have blisters on it, my limbs coordination is very bad, my nose becomes blocked when i sleep on my left side and voice and speech are terrible and sometimes unintelligible etc.

Most of which i could have avoided had the surgeon went for debulking removing much of it and not total removal since my AN was not malignant.

The most distressing thing about all these is that i was not told of the possibility of any of these happening to me post surgery or given/told of the option of debulking.

All the information i now have about AN came from this forum and what a veritable source of complete, educative and accurate information about AN it contains. Wish i found it before my surgery.

If anybody know of possible remedy to any of my list of problems i will appreciate to hear from you please.

I also wish to know how else i can sensitive people about this site before their surgery, i already printed and pasted to some hospitals around about the site and its incredible store of information.


Greece Lover

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Re: 7 Months Post Surgery
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2018, 12:48:33 pm »
I'm sorry to hear about your problems.  I don't know how to solve them, but a couple of thoughts:

symptoms with eyes, face, etc, are not uncommon.  It is unfortunate your doctor did not prepare you for this.  However, they do often improve with time.  I had face paralyze for a while, but it eventually came back. 

If you're depressed, you should get that treated.  It's good to rely on God, but depression is a medical condition, and often mental illness can be a side effect of serious surgery.  I dealt with (and still do somewhat) with a  lot of anxiety.  So, if its bad depression, get help for that, please. 
Vestibular Schwannoma 1.2 cm. Right side.
Middle fossa surgery at University of Iowa on May 9 2016.
Hearing saved.  Face is fine. Balance pretty darn good most days.
One year follow up MRI showed no tumor. 
Five year follow up showed no tumor, so I'm in the clear.