It is now a few days past my three month mark post Cyber Knife radiosurgery. In general I am feeling okay, although some symptoms are occurring each day. The ringing in my AN ear comes and goes, although about one week ago it was loud and constant for a few days. During that time, I had one episode of a very loud sound that actually hurt my head. Now the ringing sounds are soft and less frequent, and I can ignore them most of the time. I have been having what I will call mini-dizzy spells. They last for about 10 seconds and occur several times a day. At times they seem to evolve into mini-vertigo spells that also last for several seconds. Nothing terrible, just have to take a deep breath and wait til my head clears. Facial numbness lacks consistency, some days my face almost feels normal and other days it is very numb. I do get a facial pain every now and then, always on my AN side. My tongue has lost its ability to taste most foods and my palate on the AN side has lost some sensation, but this was happening prior to CK. The deafness in my AN ear also seems worse, but a hearing test next week will indicate if I am imagining it or not. I flew to see family last week and was worried about the pressure issue at 30,000 feet. It all was fine and no big deal with take off, flying and landing. All of these symptoms are very tolerable and life is really pretty normal. I will report next week as to how my hearing test went.