Hey everyone,
I’m looking to tap the vast store of knowledge that is present on these boards. Now I’m dealing with a 9mm regrowth of my AN that was removed (completely, they thought) 9 years ago.
The internet is replete with stories (and I know one personally) of people driving cancer into remission with agressive nutrition or herbal therapies/treatment. There is actually some science behind this also (mistletoe, frankincense).
The internet is also replete with different ideas for beating cancer, from the plausible (overdosing on nutrition, some herbs, etc.) to the quacky (light and sound therapy).
My question is this: can anyone articulate the differences in cell biology between cancerous cells and benign tumor cells like ANs? Could these alternative therapies hold any hope for slowing or stopping the growth of a benign tumor?
Specifically, I’m wondering if anyone has experienced some control over tumor growth with tons of nutrition (fruits and vegetables) and/or sugar elimination.