Well, this past weekend at the AN NE brunch, was talking to jcinma (Jane) and shared with her the situation about my headaches (combo from AN and Chiari 1)..... so, she tells me about "exertion headaches". She had the same symptoms that I currently have... had no clue there was an actual "name" to it. so, I did my online research....
Well, with all going on, I called BI to my radio-oncologist, Dr. Mehatevan.... so, he says instead of waiting until Feb for my next MRI, lets get one done pronto. I tell him about the MRI center near me that has been doing the MRI's (other than the ones done at BI for CK). So, he has my primary care dr book the MRI for... 9:30pm last night!
So, I get the MRI done (with and without contrast), grab the films and 2 burnt CD's (one for BW for the Chiari, one for BI for Dr. M).... they tell me the "wet read" will be available in the am.
So, I bring home the films... and there are 3 really gorgeous views of my AN.... well.... are my eyes deceiving me? Do I see the center area kinda "shadowed" and dark? Naw... can't be... it's only 7-1/2 mos post CK!
So, I go the my primary dr this am to discuss the exertion headaches and how we can get them in line with meds and such... she orders other tests for me to rule out a few issues... of course, I brought the films with me.... so, I show her the 3 really good pics of the AN.....now, she knows her stuff and is on the ball.... so, she gets the nurse and has her contact the MRI center for the wet read.... was in our hands within 5 minutes....
so...what does the report say, you ask?
"There is a left proximal internal auditory canal now more rim enhancing mass, measuring 8.5 x 6mm, slightly smaller than prior study. Central lucency (no, not LUNACY!) is perhaps the result of interval radio surgical treatment versus interval mild cystic change"
So, now I'm thinking... necrosis? Maybe?
So, off to the post office to expedite the CD to BI. Dr. M will be in Monday to view it, as well as the wet read........
So, your thoughts? Necrosis? Lit up from the radiation? Too early to tell? Wait for dr on Monday? Pour a stiff drink and chill out? Thoughts?