Hi, I have been diagnosed with facial nerve neuroma on the Right side, almost of 11x11x7mm this January. I was recommended for Cyber knife treatment by all my doctors.
On April 26 my 5 fractional CK treatment has been completed. I had problem will closing my right eye, I had facial twitching, bad taste on the tounge and dry eye on the effected side before treatment. During treatment I felt as symptoms are weakening up, and I can feel a lightness on my face but After a week of treatment I started feeling of facial issues again and in fact I felt them with severity. Now closing the eye was almost impossible, my taste buds are crazy nowadays, having a foul taste on the front of the tounge all the time.
Tinnitus had become worse than ever and also feeling heaviness.
My doctor has told me that things would be like this due to post treatment swellings.
What I am asking you people here is whether change in taste buds happens after treatment? I am also having gaps in my gums after treatment! I am having greasy buccal cavity after treatment.
Plz share your views