So I've seen a few posts dealing with this but they were fairly old so I thought I'd start new. Over the past year or so I have felt my paralyzed has regressed some. If I look at pictures from within the first year after surgery, you could see a bit of an upward tilt to my mouth and when I smiled, you could see a few more teeth than what you can now. To be fair I stopped seeing my facial therapist about a year ago and did not continue exercises. So I was kind of thinking that was why I had change. Today has been exactly 3 years since removal of my tumor. They left a sliver on my facial nerve. My last MRI was a year ago in March. My next is this September. Around Easter of this year, my paralyzed side eye started twitching....the upper eyelid. And I am not talking just here and there....last weekend I started using topical magnesium because I HAVE been rather stressed these days and this was recommended. But also in this last week, I have been feeling a tingling/burning/cooling? in my lip/mouth/cheek area and sometimes it feels like the muscle is pulling. So I think you all know what I am wondering. Like, is it my tumor growing back or what are the chances this is nerve regeneration? I think I remember wen my face was healing, I'd have a setback before I would see progress. I am currently working on getting a new script to see my facial therapist again but in the meantime, I would love to hear ideas or experiences.