Author Topic: Facial palsy - sensations  (Read 7717 times)


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Facial palsy - sensations
« on: June 19, 2019, 05:28:33 am »
Hi everyone. I am 5 weeks postop and have facial paresis on the left side. I keep getting these hot flushes in my face on the left side and was wondering if anyone else experienced that? What area of your face improved first?


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Re: Facial palsy - sensations
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2019, 03:57:46 pm »
Hi - I'm barely a week post op and had numbness prior to surgery.  Today, I'm getting throbs in my jaw/AN side teeth, tingly-tongue, and needle-zap sensations in my AN eye.  My eye isn't itchy and no visual disturbance, but this afternoon I actually felt a cool sensation when I put in drops.  I haven't felt a thing in that eye for a few months so I see this as a positive, if somewhat uncomfortable sign.

I think I'm benefitting from not having damage for an awful long time, and my surgeons being very careful not to touch my facial nerve - just hope this is signs of pressure coming off the nerve(s) and that it doesn't grow back! 

It seems like no one tells you what you might expect - just wait and give it time?  But what is "it" we wait for?  I hope you are getting signals that your nerves are getting ready to get back to work for your face.
Strange tastes, facial numbness symptoms led to MRI 3/2019: 2.4 x 3.2 x 2.6 cm VS on left side
Left hearing went 4/2019
Translab 06132019:  1.4 x 2.4 x 1.6 cm residual stuck to facial nerve & brain stem
MRI 12122019:  1.6 x 3.2 x 2.3 cm
Translab 01132020:  0.1 x 0.75 x 0.57 + 1.5 x 0.5 cm
GK next


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Re: Facial palsy - sensations
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2019, 11:28:00 am »
Yes, I had that feeling of hot sensations. Then I got some muscles that would get "stuck" - hard to describe but when I would try to make a fishy face with my lips then I would get a smile on the AN side that would "stick" for a minute or so. I had a lot of facial massages in the first 3 months. I am happy to report that I was able to make a small, but dynamic smile at exactly 5 months post op. It is SO hard to be patient, but the best thing to do is not dwell on it. I was obsessing and looking in the mirror like 100 times a day, and then around 3 months post op I decided that I had to get back to living and just let myself heal. You can also do gentle massage from the inside of your mouth -- see this link
Hang in there!
3.2 cm AN (right side) diagnosed in 10/2018
Only symptom: mild hearing loss
TransLab surgery 1/2/19 @MUSC w/ Drs. Lambert & Patel. Sliver of tumor left.
Rt. Side facial paralysis (nerve stretched), tumor was "sticky", SSD, getting platinum weight implant 6/13/19
Doing fine otherwise!