Author Topic: Now I have intermittent tinnitus in "good" ear  (Read 2916 times)


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Now I have intermittent tinnitus in "good" ear
« on: July 24, 2019, 05:13:10 pm »
Hey everyone,

I was diagnosed end of May 2019 with 7mmx4mm AN on right side. My symptoms are the usual feeling of fullness in the ear, ringing in the ear, and some mild balance issues that no one else would really notice. I also am less able to burn the candle at both ends and have changed my lifestyle quite a bit to allow for less stress and more rest overall.

About a month ago I started to have ringing in my good ear. It might happen once or twice per day and it only lasts for a few seconds. Even so, I find it worrisome. I never had ringing in that ear before the diagnosis. I just had my MRI three months ago, so there is no way that I'm suddenly sprouting another AN so soon. What would account for the sudden ringing??

NF2 suspected--genetics assessment 08/2019
05/25/19 W&W until 11/26/19
05/20/19-AN found R ear via MRI--7mmx4mm

-fullness in R ear, minor balance issue, tinnitus, FATIGUE-


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Re: Now I have intermittent tinnitus in "good" ear
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2019, 03:26:21 pm »
I also have ringing in both ears. Also have fullness come and go and mild hyperacusis. My AN ear is worse though with T.  My theory is it's like nerve pain in a molar that causes phantom pain on the other side. 
March 2017 sudden hearing loss left ear
July 2018 MRI 3mm AN IAC
Awful Tinnitus , moderate hearing loss, fatigue.
Jan 26 2019 Follow up MRI - unremarkable
15db hearing loss from last year. come and go facial symptoms


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Re: Now I have intermittent tinnitus in "good" ear
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2019, 08:21:34 pm »
Hi Bobster755!

I am just now seeing your post--I'm so sorry!

Thank you for replying and sharing your symptoms. Yeah...I don't know what to think...maybe just allergies?? I do live in the crappy Midwest and it is summer...I'm trying not to flip out over it. NO sense in borrowing trouble.
NF2 suspected--genetics assessment 08/2019
05/25/19 W&W until 11/26/19
05/20/19-AN found R ear via MRI--7mmx4mm

-fullness in R ear, minor balance issue, tinnitus, FATIGUE-