Hi ANA Community-
I've seen some old posts on Life Insurance and want the latest info.
1. Has anyone found a LIFE insurance (i.e., NOT health insurance) company that will offer reasonably policy rates on life insurance for people with acoustic neuromas?
2. Previous posts named: William Penn and New York Life Insurance as possible carriers who would issue to people with ANs. Does anyone have experience with either of these two life insurance companies?
3. Has anyone found that waiting a certain amount of time post-treatment (e.g., 3 years) improves the quotes and likelihood of getting a life insurance policy?
I have applied to Anthem Blue Cross and TIAA Cref and been given outrageous rates or denied.
I was told the fact I am only 1.5 years post surgery is having an impact and that better rates might be available when I am 3 years post-op.
I have life insurance through my employer, but the policy is not large and I would like additional coverage for the sake of my family.