I'm basically deaf in my left ear, AN ear. For the past two months my right ear, which has diminished hearing, has been experiencing intermittent hearing loss. I can hear then I can't hear then I can hear this goes on for about 30-45 seconds. This has happened at least a half a dozen times, happens whether I'm wearing my bi-cross hearing aids or not. I don't think my neurotologist has a clue what's going on but yesterday he labeled it as "...auto-immune inflammatory..." situation. He said that sometimes the hearing loss from the AN ear will affect the hearing in the healthy ear; if I totally loose my hearing in my right ear call the office.
Has anyone else had any experience with intermittent hearing loss in your "good" ear?
I'd like to get a second opinion but so far have not found another neurotologist / ent in my area but I'm still looking.