Hello, all. I'm new here, and I'm hoping to get some insight from those on this board.
I've had a bit of tinnitus for many years, nearly always in my left ear, but lately it seemed to be more frequent. And I've noticed that music through headphones sounds different. I now need to use the treble booster, so I've lost some highs. This doesn't surprise me, after a lifetime of going to loud concerts, where my ears buzzed afterward (yes, stupid, I know). My PCP suggested I make an appt with an ENT and audiologist. I took the hearing test, it was just as I expected. Loss of "highs," worse in left ear. The good news was that my comprehension is fine, so basically my symptoms are mild tinnitus and having to boost treble. I can live with that.
But then the ENT floored me when he told me he wanted me to take an MRI for a possible acoustic neuroma, because the loss was more in one ear I had an MRI back in December for some headache issues I've been having, and it was normal. But the ENT wanted another one with "finer cuts" and dye. I am very, very claustrophobic and barely got through the 15 minute one, never mind a 45 minute one.
I've been reading about symptoms. I have no problems with vertigo or dizziness. I have no facial weakness, but for the last few years have be having an odd sensation of head pressure, which comes and goes from my left temple, and when it's bad, eventually covers my head. It's not pain, just pressure. And it's not pressure in my ears. I think it has to do with problems I am having with my thyroid, which is not controlled well.
So sorry for this long post. My questions: has anyone had a AN without having dizziness symptoms? Has anyone ever had head pressure? The ENT said he was ok with me waiting a year for the MRI, if I come back for another hearing test. So, the question I ask myself: Do I put myself through the trauma of the MRI and find out for certain, or just wait it out? Many thanks in advance for any thoughts you can share.