Hi BeyondBelief,
Having heard from others on the forum who are early in on their quest to understand what could be causing symptoms, I dont think it is always an Acoustic Neuroma. But even if it is, take a deep breath and know that there are many many who have been through this, came out changed but still able to live an amazing life.
I agree with your plan to talk to your primary care doctors to get you into an ENT sooner, or even the MRI scheduled. If the MRI shows something, i cannot imagine an ENT waiting until May. I called each of the folks i was referred to and told them i was extremely anxious, requesting to move up the appointments. It worked, sometimes they had me see a different physician in the same office, but it cut weeks off of waiting.
My biggest fear was also about my job, but over a year after surgery, i am still doing well. I travel internationally, am in meetings / phone calls 6+ hours/day (yikes this sounds terrible!) and my career has not skipped a beat. Some times its more tiring, but i just make sure get the right rest.
Know you have a whole community of people rooting for you!