Author Topic: Am I overdoing it?  (Read 2494 times)


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Am I overdoing it?
« on: October 21, 2020, 11:59:20 am »
I'm 4 months post-op from retrosigmoid. I felt pretty good within a couple of weeks after surgery and started to be pretty active. For the past couple of months, I've had to do a fair amount of physical work -- stretching, re-arranging things, moving boxes, etc., and I felt fine doing it. But recently I have been having eye twitches and swallowing issues (GERD - acid reflux). And my headaches are worse.  Did I overdo it and somehow irritate the nerves near the surgery site?  Any experiences with this, let me know. Thanks! Rita


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Re: Am I overdoing it?
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2020, 09:29:43 am »
Hi Rita,

Welcome to the other side!

I'm 10+ years out, and sometimes I still feel like I've overdone it...That doesn't mean the next time I do EXACTLY the same thing, I won't be absolutely fine. Listen to your body. And your brain. If it needs rest, give it rest. If it wants to move, move.

I'll admit that at 4 months I was still taking it pretty easy, but that's cuz I MILKED IT. ;-) Seriously, I was not lazing about, but I did pace myself.

Everyone is different, so don't judge yourself against someone who is doing more (or can't do as much) as you are in your journey.

And if your body (headaches, acid reflux) are concerning to you, call your doctor.



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Re: Am I overdoing it?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2020, 10:17:55 pm »
Hi Rita.  Each person is different.  Definitely talk to your doctor about your symptoms.  But I would also suggest making sure you get enough rest, especially if you are active.  Surgery (including anasthesia) is a major trauma.  So within what your life and schedule will allow, I'd try to fit in more rest.  A few naps can sometimes help alot to help your body recover.

All the best to you, and let us know how it goes.
Dx 2.6 cm Nov 2012, 35% hearing loss.  Grew to 3.5 cm Oct 2013.  Pre-op total hearing loss, left side tongue numb.  Translab Nov 2013 House Clinic.  Post-op no permanent facial or other issues.  Tongue much improved.  Great result!!