Author Topic: Possible AN  (Read 2692 times)


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Possible AN
« on: November 24, 2020, 05:17:26 am »
Hey all

Just wanted to say how amazing it is for you guys to have a forum to come and talk about your experiences with AN. I had an mri around three years ago for migraines and they found a mass in my Clivus which they thought was a chordoma (rare form of cancer). Hasn’t changed in three years and is small so just watching. On a follow up MRI they found another 3mm focus of enhancement in my left internal auditory canal, suspicious for a small schwannoma (which is the same thing as a AN apparently?). Was referred to an Ent but then Covid started and left NY at that stage. A year and a half later I was trying to book a follow up mri, unfortunately they’re backed up. Used q-tips for ears for a few months which is a huge no no I’ve found out, had my ears cleaned out because of pain and they were blocked with wax. Was fine for a week and a half but then had constant tinnitus in my left ear (where the second enhancement is). Not sure if it’s from the cleaning, q-tips, or the mass has grown and is causing it. My question is, how did you guys pick a surgeon? It seems AN surgery is quite risky, I was like, should I go to Mayo Clinic since they’re a top hospital or is mskcc or mass gen good as well since they’re all top hospitals etc. Or is the surgeon more important?

Thanks all!

Ps I know I could be jumping the gun a bit since it was small in my last scan and some of you guys have big tumors etc. I just like to be prepared, same thing I did when they thought I had Chordoma, better to be educated early etc, and surgery sounds scary with mortality rates.


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Re: Possible AN
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2021, 06:18:41 pm »
Just to add:
Had a follow up mri, definitely an acoustic neuroma. Size now 4mmx2mm which is small I believe. Will be sending my results to Dr Friedman, not sure what treatment I’ll take depending on surgery risks. Wish medical was advanced enough to just take a drug and the tumor shrinks away.


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Re: Possible AN
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2021, 07:11:45 pm »
Wouldn't that be nice!  ;-)

Did they determine the tumor grew from the first MRI to the 2nd? Were headaches and tinnitus your only symptoms? Did you register with ANA to get your free packets of materials about ANs? You might find A LOT of answers to your questions there as well..

Best of luck to you. You are in great company!!

Marla B.