Author Topic: Newly Diagnosed - Have called UCSD (Friedman & Schwartz}  (Read 2513 times)


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Newly Diagnosed - Have called UCSD (Friedman & Schwartz}
« on: January 13, 2021, 12:33:58 pm »
Hello, just joined this group this week.

Just had an MRI that showed ~2cm AN with Larger Cyst around it. I'm curious about symptoms: I have the hearing loss [~40%] and tinnitus.

What got me started on this was a feeling of a toothache or maybe sinus infection. No vertigo/balance issues or headaches. Has anyone else had these type of symptoms?

I'm setting up an appointment with UCSD Dr. Friedman. Also looking at MD Anderson in Houston for an opinion.

Thank you all for all the advice I've seen here. Just starting the Journey at 62 years old.


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Re: Newly Diagnosed - Have called UCSD (Friedman & Schwartz}
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2021, 12:38:48 pm »
I recently returned from UCSD, where I had my second AN surgery with Drs. Friedman and Schwartz on Feb 2, 2021.  First time around I had the surgery done in Boston with Dr. Al-Mefty, who used the retrosig method, but a thread of tumor was left alongside the face nerve and it gradually returned.  My UCSC experience was first-rate:  professional, considerate, much less painful during the first 48 hours. They used the translab approach, since I had lost my hearing during surgery #1 and had little to lose.  I highly recommend them.  My spouse and I stayed at the UCSD Family Guest House, just a short walk from the hospital -- I'd highly recommend that, too, for initial recovery. 
Best of luck to you and know that you have a great support network in these members.
Best, Jean
AN, 2 cm, left side
Retrosig, 4/2012, Brigham & Women's, Al-Mefty
   *lost hearing on left side during surgery
   *tumor slowly returned; face numbness
Gamma Knife, 11/2018, UPMC , Lundsford
    *Facial spasms 2 yr out; large cyst growth
Translab, 2/2021, UCSD, Schwarz/Friedman