Author Topic: ANAwareness Week is May 15 - 21, 2022  (Read 7245 times)


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ANAwareness Week is May 15 - 21, 2022
« on: May 04, 2021, 01:40:42 pm »
The ANA's 10th annual ANAwareness Week is May 15 - 21 and will be filled with education, presentations and storytelling. Live online sessions featuring AN experts from our Presenting Sponsor, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, will cover various topics of interest for acoustic neuroma patients and caregivers throughout the week. We'll use social media to share facts and resources designed to help you understand your options and what kind of materials and support are available.

This year's theme is Destination UnderstANding. As patients and caregivers, we know it's important for you to gain understanding and knowledge - about AN symptoms, possible effects, treatment options, and where you can find help. We also know you seek understanding from those around you - family, friends, co-workers, doctors - about how acoustic neuroma affects or has affected your daily life. 

We also want to share the hurdles patients overcome and the triumphs you achieve every day, using stories and photos you share with us. We have an AN Warrior Gallery on our website and will share photos on social media, giving others the opportunity to share in YOUR experience.  Get your 2022 ANAwareness Week T-shirt and send us a photo to share. Tell us about something that's made a difference for you since diagnosis - some success you've had or something you've discovered about yourself.

Order your t-shirt today, send your stories/photos to us and join us for live presentations!

For more information and a list of events, visit
« Last Edit: May 03, 2022, 07:57:19 am by Director »