Hi Everyone,
I've been very stressed and worried that my right eye may be affected somehow. I'll try to describe it as best as I can. Where the upper lid is, the second line above the lash line, seems to sag down more than on my other eye. The left eye's line is a normal arch, but the right one seems to sag with some extra skin and hang lower than the left eye. The movement of my eyebrow is normal, I can move it up and frown, but the skin seems to be sagging (on my AN side) more than my other eye. Maybe the muscle is weakened there? Does anyone know if this is related to the AN pressing on the facial nerve, or could it mean the facial nerve is involved somehow? I brought it up to the doctors at my last consultation but they didn't seem to look closely and just shrugged it off as not being related. I was thinking that maybe I was being paranoid so I didn't push the issue. However, the upper right eyelid definitely looks a little different than my left unaffected side. It also possibly feels a little tender on the upper lid, part above eye and under the eyebrow. It's the area that would naturally be effected by aging and would sag, but the right eye is much more than the left. Any thoughts about whether this is related or not? I'd really appreciate anyone's input on if they had this, or if you think it's related or not. Thanks so much for your input.
Stressed but hanging in there,
CA Marti