I actually speak a bit of Italian, as my father was born there. Mi displace che anche in un positione difficile. I don’t know if I can give advice as I’m just trying to discover what to do as well. I can share what I’ve read. I was thinking that if mine grows slowly then I probably will do gamma knife, but if there is aggressive growth I may tend to choose surgery. This is because I read that sometimes if there is aggressive growth then gamma may have a larger chance of not working for you. If you were to do surgery I would definitely only go to surgeons who see a lot of patients and are highly skilled, such as at UCSD San Diego, CA or The House Institute in LA, CA. Also, I believe the statistics are better overall for complications with gamma knife but maybe the risk of it still growing is a 10% chance in 10 years. I have heard that the risk of balance problems after gamma knife is about 20%. What are the risks with gamma knife that you were told? Also, if gamma knife doesn’t work to stop growth it may make surgery more difficult. I hope this information helps a little. It is a difficult decision to make. Good luck with everything.