Author Topic: Freaking OUT, crying HELP  (Read 21867 times)


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Re: Freaking OUT, crying HELP
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2007, 10:53:35 pm »
I also had a virus, then fullness that brought on an MRI and the AN dx.  I had extreme pain around my ears and in front of my ears.  About one month later I developed facial numbness on my left side and my AN is on the right.  I even began to wonder if they got it wrong on which side my AN is on.

However, I first went to my ENT who sent me to a neurologist to look for TIAs (small strokes).  More stress!  The neuro ruled out TIAs but could not explain facial numbness.  Starting talking about the trigemenal (spelling?) nerve was the only thing that could produce the numbness.  He gave me a neurotonin (again spelling?) and after taking one of those I realized I could not live on them.  Made me very dizzy and groggy - VERY!

So, I thought I had had an infection of the soft tissue many times in my ears and maybe the swelling around the facial nerve that runs through there caused some of the numbness.  PCP prescribed me 27 days of antiobiotics.  The numbness lessened but was still there.

I got a stomach bug on New Years Day and was very sick in bed.  At some point, the two muscles that go from the base of your skull under your ears to the collar bone became tight as rocks and hurt extremely bad.  So...the next day when I felt better (24 hour stomach bug - thank goodness:), I looked up what was located in that area of your neck.  I kept researching and came across some information about your SCM, the sternocleoidmastoid muscle.  There is a faction that believes the SCM muscle tightness, swollen, injured muscle can cause numbness in your face.  I couldn't turn my head all the way to the side as I used to as well.

I began to take .25 mg of Xanax as a muscle relaxer just to test it out and have been able to almost rid myself of the facial numbness.  My doctors did not have a clue and the meds they wanted me to take were worse than trying the Xanax.  I want a muscle relaxer and apparently Xanax achieves that.

Maybe its nerves, but nerves/anxiety causes you to tense your muscles too.  I carry my tension in my neck and always have.  I began to notice that since I became dizzy a few years ago (always told it was allergies and then was dx with Endolymphatic Hydrops, which this year was changed to the AN dx), I hold my head stiffer so that I do not turn my head too quickly and get dizzy.

So, maybe it is the muscles in your neck.  I am not one to lean on the "holistic" side of medicine, but I can get relieve from the numbness with my approach and the doctors couldn't give me relief.  My brother is a licensed massage therapist and states that the theory is technically correct.  But, most doctors won't go with the SCM muscle causing numbness. 

I hope you find some relief soon, it was driving me crazy and I was becoming more depressed about all of this.  My right side AN and then left side numbness that was unrelated.   AAGGH!



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Re: Freaking OUT, crying HELP
« Reply #31 on: January 13, 2007, 02:19:45 pm »

My AN is on the right side but I have more numbness on the left.  Today it is really bad.

I went to deep tissue therapy for the muscles that you speak of.  Helped alot and have also been to
balance therapy.  The problem is that the insurance only pays for so many therapy sessions yrly.
I am taking Paliates to try to help with the balance issues.  I have not lost hearing in my rt. ear
which the ENT cannot believe, must be where it is sitting.

My AN is considered small, 4mm X 3mm, but it is the location and does cause balance issues and
I forget that I cannot turn quickly.  Yesterday I was standing talking with a co-worker and
started to fall, felt like my head was a big weight and was pulling me down.  Of course, I laughed
it off!

Over the holidays I tried to forget about my Little AN but now I must get back to reality.  It is

Since my last experience with the neurosurgeion from H@!!, I have an appointment with another
on the 23rd of this month.   Just need a kind surgeon not one that had me sign a paper that
I would pay the difference that the insurance would not pay.

I would like to thank everyone on this site for all the comfort and information that they give.


Diagnosed November 2006
8mm Small


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Re: Freaking OUT, crying HELP
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2007, 09:15:54 pm »
Thank you Mel and Lisa.
 I just got back from a trip and am catching up.  So far I've had one MRI, two CT scan, a hearing test, B12 and Folic acid test,  a test for Sjogrins, TMJ tests, Echocardiogram, Stress test and all are neg.  I don't think the ENT or the Neurologist knows what the heck they are doing.  I wish they would just say,  "we don't know" and I'd head to Mayo or somewhere like that.  I even asked them about my neck since I was once in a wreck and my neck is always stiff.  Not really painful but stiff and not a full range of motion...

As for the AN I'm getting another MRI 3 months after the diagnosis instead of the usual 6.  My face continues to be somewhat numb.  Sometimes it bothers me more than others.  My vision is off a bit at times and regardless of the , "An AN that size can't cause symptoms,  3mm,  I tend to bump into things sometimes.  Mostly when I'm just walking in an open area.  I actually feel fine so it's all confusing.  No real pain to speak of and as much energy as usual which isn't saying much.  I'll sure check out the Neck issue and thank you for the info   I've researched everything from aspartame to plastics.  I am trying to cut out all the "bad" stuff which is easy for me as I don't smoke, drink or use any type of soda.  Now I'm off of sugar and just using honey.  Whole grains for the most part and a lot more organic stuff.   I do love to play Video Poker in Vegas and I'm not giving that up.  A girl need at least one vice.   

Keep me posted and good luck to you both...Karen
left side AN 3mm IAC watch & wait hearing 100% balance slightly off