Hi Yazhughes! And thank you for making your first post on the ANA Forums!
Easter weekend is sure a difficult time to receive a lot of answers, and when it comes to an acoustic neuroma, we like to know right away what was found. Is this your first MRI for the suspected AN? I am a little surprised that they did not order it with contrast. It isn't necessary to have contrast (and some patients choose to have it without contrast), but many ENT doctors prefer to order the MRIs with contrast because it is a little easier to view (as I understand it, and I'm definitely not a radiologist).
Speaking of radiologists, mine read it and generated a report the same day. In fact, my hospital put the images and the radiologist's report on a DVD for me to take to my ENT doctor a few hours after my scan was done. So, it can be done very quickly. Maybe the reason they sent you a letter for another MRI is because they wanted to do one with contrast? I don't know; we would be speculating. But let us know what you find out. We want to encourage you on your journey!
Best wishes!