Hi Dave_S121, and thank you for sharing your experience on the forums!
I am not familiar with Dr. Wiet, but I am a tiny bit familiar with the Hindsdale Hospital. I met a woman who worked at Hinsdale Hospital back in the early 1980's, and we ended up getting married. So, Hinsdale Hospital will always have a special place in my heart! I'm not familiar with its experience with acoustic neuromas though.
I'm curious why you stopped wearing your BAHA several years ago. Did you sense that it was not working quite as well? Why did you switch to the CROS hearing aid? I wear a CROS system, and it is meeting my needs at the present time so I am not currently considering a cochlar implant. But I am very interested in hearing how your future goes. Please continue to let us know what you decide to do and how well it works for you. I have been told that the technology continues to improve each year, and so, some who have tried one option several years ago can even benefit from the very same thing done today with the newest improvements and features.
I hope it goes well for you.
Wishing you the very best!