Hi everyone - as promised just checking in to update anyone who is following this thread and may be going through what I am going through.
I am over 2 years post CK and about 22 months since my first facial contraction/spasm/cramping - if you go back to my prior threads, you can see all the treatments I have tried. Well, sad to report, I am still going through it. Thankfully they have become "weaker." By this I mean shorter in duration (they used to last up to 2 minutes and now they are under a minute) and less intense (I used to not even be able to keep my eye open or my mouth from contracting). Now I can "fight" through them a bit. So, I guess this is good news? They still occur almost every day - same triggers - exercise, sneezing, yawning, social interactions, etc., etc...). My brain MRI that focused on the nerve showed....nothing. So no help there. MRI's don't really show the nerve and nothing stood out. I have seen literally over 10 different specialists and have had 6 MRIs since the CK and not one doctor has ever even heard of or has seen my symptoms.
If anyone wants to chat or discuss what they are going through, please reach out to me (I have been through a lot and have tried everything so I may be of some help)!