Author Topic: Exacerbated tinnitus after scond Moderna Covid booster  (Read 8393 times)


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Exacerbated tinnitus after scond Moderna Covid booster
« on: November 12, 2022, 04:29:28 pm »
Hello everyone!

I was more active on this site years ago ... when Phyl was moderator...20 years ago had 1 cm rt AN removed via retrosigmoid at UMass Med Ctr, Worc MA. After a few years MRI showed continuing growth--15 years ago had Stereotactic Radiation at MGH ...and 3 year MRIs have showed tumor stable.  Have had tinnitus since AN diagnosed but t was more background noise. In April had my second Moderna booster and next day my head exploded with noise...most I hadn't experienced before...thumping, chirping, buzzing, electric shocks sounds, pinging, terribly loud for 3 wks could hardly sleep. Did lots of research...and called MGH--my doc, Dr Loeffler moved to FL last March said it was not lkely the noise was from my AN. I got a new neurologist in Worc but she didn't see need for an MRI on my brain at this time. I will see a new Neurosurgeon for consult to ask about my tinnitus. The tinnitus has lessened now after 7 months ... but is still loud as it spikes at times.

Has anyone had exacerbated tinnitus after Covid shots? I have been in communication with Infectious disease expert who does not have an AN but did develop terrible tinnitus after Covid shot.  He is suggesting waiting for FDA approval of Novavax booster as the shot is made with sub unit protein and is not an mRNA vaccine.

Regards and best wishes to all AN survivors!

Grammy Mary


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Re: Exacerbated tinnitus after scond Moderna Covid booster
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2023, 04:02:25 pm »
Hi Grammy Mary,
I know this is late but my heart went out to you when I read your post.  I have no experience with the vax and subsequent tinnitus.  But I've read they're doing clinical trials to find out why some people are experiencing that side effect.

I had surgery last April and was feeling pretty much "fine and dandy" until about the 7-month mark...then my head exploded with sound.  Mine is a low-pitched extremely loud roar.  My ENT said it was a sympathetic reaction to the AN surgery.  Put me on steroids and diuretics.  I was basically deaf in my good ear when it began but after 3 ear injections and several weeks of oral steroids and diuretics, it is...hmmm...better some of the time.  I am so grateful for my ENT and the fact that the hearing in my good ear has improved a lot.  But I have to say, for me, the tinnitus has been the most difficult part of this AN journey.  Interesting how it varies.  Some days, although the roar is at a medium level I am able to go on with normal life (my new frequent phrase being "Sorry, I didn't hear that, could you repeat?"  Other days when it's at its worst, I just want to put an ear plug in my ear (to block out any extra noise) and go to bed.  I was told I just needed to get used to it.  Although that was a hard pill to swallow, it was good advice.  My contentment should never be governed by my circumstances. 

I'd appreciate any thoughts you have as to how you are dealing with the noise. 
Blessings to you!


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Re: Exacerbated tinnitus after scond Moderna Covid booster
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2024, 11:19:16 am »
Hello...Sorry I didn't reply sooner ... been off site for a while.

My terrible tinnitus finally subsided back to baseline after many months.  I did get the Novavax shot in DEc of 23 and no exacerbation of it, I am glad to report. After all my precautions I got Covid! ---Oh March 22, 2024 tested positive. Mild case .. no fever but some coughing and no worse tinnitus. Worst part was I was very weak for 2 1/2 wks. Will get updated Novavax when it comes out. Probably Sept.

I researched tinnitus soooo much. I remember well how debilitating it was. It can be even worse than I had. I hope you have found something to help you. Wish I had an answer for you.

Hope you are coping/doing better now.

Sincerely,  Mary Grammy