First of all, Gborges19, welcome to the ANA Forums!
It is going to be very difficult to assess whether you have an acoustic neuroma simply by your symptoms. Symptoms vary from person to person; not everyone shares the same ones. However, the best way to determine whether your have an acoustic neuroma is by having the MRI.
Even though your last MRI two years ago showed nothing, that does not mean that you do not currently have an acoustic neuroma. Some ANs grow slowly, and others grow more quickly. An MRI done today may show something differently than one done two years ago, especially if it was done without contrast. There is a lot of debate on the use of contrast for MRIs, but many radiologists would say that contrast helps them locate an acoustic neuroma. Some use contrast just for the initial showing of the acoustic neuroma in the MRI and do not use it later.
In terms of anxiety, I think we all have some at first. But the best thing to combat it is good information. Once you have a definite diagnosis one way or the other, then you can take any necessary steps to deal with it. It is the not knowing part which is the hardest, in my opinion.
Best wishes on your journey! Please keep us updated.