Author Topic: Fundraise and Raise Awareness with TEAM ANA!  (Read 7026 times)


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Fundraise and Raise Awareness with TEAM ANA!
« on: February 14, 2024, 04:06:25 pm »
Have you thought about fundraising for the Acoustic Neuroma Association, but don't know how? Join Team ANA! Team ANA members are volunteers who increase the awareness of acoustic neuroma while raising funds to support the efforts of the ANA. They also challenge themselves and encourage others as they set and reach meaningful personal goals.

Approximately 3,000 individuals in the United States are diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma each year. These diagnoses affect patients along with their families, friends and co-workers - anyone who supports them. Team ANA exists to give supporters a way to make a meaningful difference in the AN community. It's also an opportunity to support the ANA as it works to establish future programming for those not yet diagnosed.

If you are interested in fundraising for ANA, contact us for help. We can discuss ideas and help you with ways to let others know about your event.

Ways You Can Raise Funds
Below are a few ways you can fundraise for the Acoustic Neuroma Association. We have Team ANA graphics and merchandise available to anyone who wants to use them.
•   Ask friends and family to sponsor you as you run or walk in a 5K, half marathon, or marathon.
•   Request donations in honor of a birthday, ANniversary or GivingTuesday by hosting a Facebook fundraiser.
•   Host an event and donate the proceeds - a showcase, tournament, dinner party or wine tasting are all great ideas.
•   Collect items to raffle or auction and donate the proceeds.

Get Started
We've made it easy for you to get started as a TEAM ANA member:
•   Download our Fundraising Guide at  - it's full of tips to help you run a successful fundraiser and reach your goals.
•   Visit our Facebook page to set up an online fundraiser for your birthday, anniversary, or milestone.

Connect with the ANA for more information,
« Last Edit: February 15, 2024, 08:17:41 am by Director »