Author Topic: New diagnosis, trying to decide and have some questions  (Read 877 times)


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New diagnosis, trying to decide and have some questions
« on: August 09, 2024, 11:40:14 am »
Hi all,

Short background -
38M, 1.5cm tumor on the right side near the brain stem, have good hearing in both ears, recommended retrosigmoid by Dr. Friedman at UCSD. Seeking second opinions. I am in good shape and exercise regularly and eat a very clean diet. I work in the audio industry, designing speakers and audio systems and good hearing is an asset, though lately I have been in management roles and can delegate my listening tasks to others (I know I can learn to hear what's important with one ear).

Longer background -
In May I suddenly lost most of my hearing after a hard workout while recovering from a long cold. It felt like it was blocked with fluid in the middle ear, but not quite. Throughout the day it resolved. However, the next day I was listening to music and realized that all of my low frequencies were gone in the right ear. The next morning I went to urgent care, was diagnosed with SSNHL, sent to ENT and audiology and prescribed a course of prednisone. Over the next two days the hearing loss was pretty much total, and the tinnitus overwhelming.

After a week of prednisone I started having sensation in the ear again and almost fully recovered my hearing. Audiology confirmed - about 5-15dB loss compared to left ear. I really only notice the difference in noisy environments where I need to bias towards my left ear to aid in understanding.

I insisted on MRI just to close out the remote possibility of AN.

July 6 MRI w/wo contrast
July 8 - MRI report says findings consistent with AN, 9-15mm in size.

UCSD's opinion was to remove as quickly as possible to give me a chance of hearing preservation. Dr. Friedman said without surgery, I have 100% chance of HL; with surgery 50% chance of HL. He said my risk of facial paralysis is 1% after surgery. He said his team is able to complete the surgery in about 4 hours.

Some questions to which I still seek answers:
- Why do I still have a chance of HL even with surgery? Is this a risk intrinsic to the surgery?
- Why does the surgery require vestibular therapy afterwards?
- If I decide to let my right ear's hearing go, what is my next "must-remove" moment?
- What can I do health-wise before my surgery to make my recovery as easy as possible?
- I have reached out to Mayo in AZ, House Clinic at UCLA, UCSD, am trying with Stanford. Any others?


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Re: New diagnosis, trying to decide and have some questions
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2024, 04:06:39 pm »
Hi Colin,

It has been almost a month since you shared your story (and thank you for your well-written post).

I'm wondering what you have found out in the meantime.  Do you have an update?

Were you successful in having any second opinions?  What did you find out?  And were any of your questions answered?

I'm looking forward to hearing the latest!

Best wishes on your journey!
Burning Tongue, Loss of Hearing & Balance, and Tinnitus led to MRI. Very small AN found on 11/23/2021
While watching and waiting, lost significant hearing. WRS now at 12% (down from 100%). Was fitted with CROS system on 3/7/22.  Stable MRI on 7/29/22
No treatment yet.