Author Topic: Worsening fatigue after exercise  (Read 7236 times)


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Worsening fatigue after exercise
« on: January 31, 2025, 03:17:23 pm »
I’m a mid-40s woman who had a small acoustic neuroma removed by middle fossa surgery three years ago. My vestibulocochlear nerve was cut during surgery but my post-surgical PT worked wonders, and I felt almost back to normal within three months. At that point, I went back to classes for my favorite hobby: aerial silks, which, as you can imagine, really taxes your balance. Since then, I’ve moved on to an even more balance-taxing hobby of aerial rope (it’s more dynamic). It was going great last year until about July. I think I overtrained a bit and ever since then I’ve gotten SO fatigued after every class. Much more than usual. I took time off, I worked on gaining strength and improving mobility, and my doctor ordered a million tests to make sure nothing else was going on. I realized this week that my balance has felt off for months, so I dusted off my old PT exercises and… wow! I’ve regressed quite a bit. Not back to where I was immediately post-surgery but to the point where I’m wobbling all over and tipping into the wall on one of them.

I stopped running around the same time this started happening, and I wonder if not spending so much time outside looking at far away objects and moving my head had something to do with this. Walking around outside and looking around was a big part of my post-surgical PT.

Has anything like this happened to anyone else? Have you found that you need to go back and refresh your remaining balance nerve with PT every once in awhile? Do you get major fatigue when your balance is poor? 

Karin Mauro

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Re: Worsening fatigue after exercise
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2025, 11:43:53 am »
I’m 3 months post op. I had a sub occipital craniotomy and had a couple of months of vestibular rehab for disequilibrium. The therapy was pretty helpful to where I was feeling very close to “normal”. I have noticed though that if I exert myself much more than usual my equilibrium is back to pre therapeutic stumbling. Also the headaches are worse. I’m not a runner but I feel like regular walking while looking around is helpful in returning to baseline. I wish you well.



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Re: Worsening fatigue after exercise
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2025, 07:33:23 pm »
Thank you! That’s helpful to know. I’ve been doing my vestibular PT again and getting out for long walks more and it seems to be helping at least somewhat. I was also just diagnosed with sleep apnea, so that might be a big part of my fatigue too.