Last week my son (20 years old) who is in college about 3 hours away called me with tingling in his jaw and right hand. I advised him to go to the emergency room and immediately drove up to his college to the ER to be there with him. He had a CT scan that was negative and the next morning they took an MRI without contrast that showed a small vestibular schwannoma in his left ear. The ER doctor advised seeing a neurologist next to have an MRI with contrast to see if it is actually a schwannoma or if it's something else like a cluster of blood vessels. Because he goes to school in upstate New York we made the decision to take him to a Neurologist back home which is in NJ close to NYC.
The Neurologist (Mario Vukic) was excellent and what we learned at the session with him was that my son also showed 3 bulging discs in his neck as well as his Thyroid levels were out of whack, and he was diagnosed with Hashimoto's a few years back.
We followed up this past week with an MRI with contrast which the Neurologist confirmed is a vestibular schwannoma in his left ear the size being 7x4x4.
At this time he wants to have him see an ENT asap to get the hearing test results to see if there is any impact to hearing and he said most likely we will want to take a wait and watch approach and have another MRI done in the summer before he comes back. However, since the visit last week my son has now gotten symptoms of ringing in his ears, migraine headaches and a feeling of pressure in his ear.
We are not sure if it's related to bulging discs, schwannoma or thyroid which can cause tingling feelings in extremities when not normalized.
Next steps:
ENT visit on Monday 3/17
Nuerosurgeon visit Dr.Philip Steig NYC (2nd opinion) on Tuesday 3/18
Follow up visit with Neurologist on 3/19 to discuss 2nd round of MRI with contrast results and latest symptoms
On top of this between the Schwannoma, Thyroid and bulging discs you can imagine the stress and anxiety and I know he's struggling a bit coping and processing all of this at 20 years old. I'm trying to locate a therapist for him to talk to that can hopefully manage some of this going forward.
I am beyond devastated at this diagnosis and struggling myself through this but trying to stay strong for my son. Can anyone advise is there anything else at this point I should be doing other than the Dr visits I have setup?
Thank You