Thanks, Boppie:
You make a good point. I'm 63 years old. Last June, I underwent a 9-hour AN-removal surgery (retrosigmoid approach) plus 26 fractionalized radiation treatments 3 months later. I did fine. Both my neurosurgeon and radiation oncolgist were elated with my lack of complications, rapid recovery and return to relative normalcy. Of course, I was in (otherwise) good physical condition, which, with the prayerful support of family and friends, certainly helped me through the surgery/radiation treatments and recuperation.
Age need not be a reason to avoid surgery if surgery is indicated, as with large (over 3.0 cm) AN tumors. Of course, that assumes a patient in good physical condition. Ultimately, only you - the patient - and your physician(s) can make this major medical decision, but the surgical option need not be precipitously ruled out based on age, alone, nor should it.