Holy-cow........I almost forgot.......man, I must be stressed-out; I want to meet one of the nicest people (who is also famous) and record a duet with him, non-other than, Mr. Joe Cocker. I gave up a vocal career for privacy. I have some regrets that I didn't go forth when I was getting there but, enjoy being private with a professional medical career.......BUT, I should have at least met someone I admire (and also, his wonderful wife.......Pam) and put-down an ALL OUT BLASTING song with AKA, John Cocker. (JOE COCKER too nice for his own good)
Well, that isn't humorous but, I had to say it because, that is on the "wish-list."
Yes, Oprah is also a wonderful person to meet.
Thank you Oprah for another year of having you around!
OK, back to funny.........well, we can get "happy" and still stay serious online New Year's Eve. (and have our Mega-Big-Toasting out the old year and in with the New Year coming soon)
The last wish I can think of now is, NO MORE SPAM IN 07' and clean fun forum full of help/information.