It seems really heartbreaking that you once had excellent penmanship and are having trouble with your music. Did you by chance go thru any type of occupational therapy? Right after post-op, I was much like you are. Couldn't write my name, had trouble lifting filled glasses,opening soda-bottles and Milk jugs, eating with silverware..all most other things you do with your dominant hand. I've really come a long way in OT. I just graduated from OT after about 6 months (2 days a week)
At rehab they really stressed the hand out, but eventually, it slowly started to get better with practice. I do just about everything now, but it seems since I had to basically learn to use that hand over again, it does feel awkward and different than it once did. I used to never even be able to write my name, but now i'm doing about 6 or 7 sentences before my hand starts to cramp. Yeah! It feels totally different. It seems almost if the way I did it b4 wasnt working, so I had to retrain myself to do it again. I dunno, I cant really explain it.
Anways, I will keep in touch with you, I hope you progress. My cousin is an Occupational Therapist and she told me to keep doing stuff and if its challenging, then keep doing it. Its the only way to get better.