Author Topic: Operated on me in '99  (Read 2715 times)


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Operated on me in '99
« on: July 15, 2005, 03:35:32 pm »
I just visited the forums and saw everything is new!

I wanted to just give all of you an encoraging word.  I had a pea-sized tumor removed  in early '99.  They went in above my ear.  I don't remember what the method was.

Recovery stunk, but that was the worst part.

At my 5 year scan the Dr saw something where the tumor was, he said it is probably just scar tissue but wants to keep an eye on it, so I will go in again for another scan.

I am now 34 and everything is going great.  I ride a motorcycle to work everyday.  My life is back to normal.

From the surgery I suffered a 10 db hearing loss (I had none before the operation) but I just put my good ear down now and I can sleep better!  :)

So if you are going to have one removed everything may come out just fine for you.



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Re: Operated on me in '99
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2005, 07:51:02 pm »
Hi Andrew!
  Seems you had Middle Fossa.
  I do so hope it is but scar tissue. That seems to attract the gadolinium contrast pretty well also.
  Sorry about the hearing loss...
  Best wishes for your next MRI!


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Re: Operated on me in '99
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2005, 12:46:11 pm »
I just had to laugh when I read the one part of your post about sleeping better!  I am now totally deaf on my right side and I told my husband that perhaps that part was a blessing because he snores and I can now put my good ear down on the pillow and I do not hear a thing! ;D