I am very surprised to learn that meningitis has to do with your flying.ÂÂ
I had my AN removed in January 2005.ÂÂ
In March, I had a business trip to Asia flying from Houston to Tokyo then to Singapore. Due to the long hours (over 16 hours total for one way), my company wanted me to get approval from my doctor before I went. When I expressed my concern to my doctor, especially for my CSF leak after the surgery, he told me that the "external" pressure in the air plan should not affect the "internal" pressure in my brain. With his assurance (twice), I went for the trip and experienced nothing unusal except for onething. When the airplane was decending, I tried to clear the pressue build up in my ears by blowing hard while noise was held tight. I could make it "puff" on my good ear, but not on my bad one. I mentioned this to my doctor after the trip, he gave me some explantion which I did not follow well. The bottom line is that I have no problem to fly after my AN surgery.
In May, I made another trip to Asia with my family. Again, everything was just as usual.ÂÂ
Thanks for sharing your case with us. Hope you soon find a satisfactory explanation and a good "solution" for it.ÂÂ
God bless you.