HI Palace,
I have a slight different problem. I sleep ok, even if some nights are better than others. I get my 7 or 8 hours sleep. But, I find that now I sleep at different times than before CK. I used to be regular 22.00 to 7.00. Now I can go to bed at anything between 19.00 and 22.00, mostly around 20.00. Hate it, makes socialising in the venings impossible. I mean, I HAVE to go to bed, no choice in the matter, I just fall asleep, no matter where I am or what I'm sitting on. Then of course I wake up at silly times, anything between 4 and 5.30. Staying in bed longer doesn't seem to help, going to bed later seems to make things worse. If I force myself to stay up later (like the last three days) I get up slightly later, but suffer for days afterwards. Fatigue, irritability, headchaes... Basically, sleeping is NOT a happy thing these days. At all.
One advantage of getting up early is the silence, no noises, no phones, nothing. PErfect. Plus, I can chat with friends across the atlantic, which is great!
MAybe I should try Valerian and see if I sleep longer.
Ciao, Lorenzo