Author Topic: ANS and contacts  (Read 4602 times)


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ANS and contacts
« on: July 19, 2005, 11:11:01 pm »
I know many people have trouble with their eyes after surgery,how soon can you return to wearing contacts?


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Re: ANS and contacts
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2005, 03:22:50 pm »
I had surgery in November and still can't wear my contacts (I did try in late March/April but it was too hard  :-\ ). But, I was also diagnosed with visual midline shift syndrome/post-traumatic visual midline shift syndrome - it has to do with your line of vision getting shifted off center so you use one side of your body more than others and you have one-sided pain, balance issues, etc. "Experts" see it alot in stroke victims and persons with traumatic brain injury. Anyway... I saw a specialist, got new glasses (and a new prescription, too!) with these funky yoked prisms. I think it's helping with my balance and along with physical therapy, the aches on the left side of my body are almost non-existent. Very long story...anyone interested in the specifics can just google and/or find the NORA website or email me.

We (me and the doc) are hoping that wearing the prisms will be just a temporary thing and that my brain will readjust and I won't have to wear them longterm. But, I think contacts may be a thing of the past until I get full function of the facial nerve back...although I've gone from totally not being able to close my eye to just using drops occassionally, I just don't think contacts would work. It's a drag - it took me a long time to find a pair of frames that sit well on my head (minus the bone flap and all). Plus I miss sunglasses! And not "steaming" up when it's hot! And not getting "frosty" and not having my kids put them out of whack when they come to hug me!

I'd say give it a try when you're might be surprised! Good luck!   :)
Siri Meyer
3.5 cm left side AN
Retro-sig surgery
@ Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN
November 24, 2004


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Re: ANS and contacts
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2005, 07:09:54 pm »
Lynn: I was unable to tolerate contacts after surgery due to the eye dryness, I tried one of the newer types in recent years...very high water content and put drops in almost hourly, I was unable to tolerate them.Kathleen
1st AN surgery @ age 23, 16 hours
Loss of 7-10th nerves
mulitple "plastic" repairs to compensate for effects of 7th nerve loss
tumor regrowth, monitored for a few years then surgically removed @ age 38 (of my choice, not medically necessary yet)

mom of AN pt.

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Re: ANS and contacts
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2005, 02:42:09 pm »
My daughter (16 y.o) had eye problems post surgery as predicted, could not close AN eye completely, plus dryness...but within 4 weeks it was getting better, so we saw her eye doctor for the OK...then she started wearing contacts again...we did order the new ones made for people with dry eyes.  By the way she was able to wink the AN eye at about 4-5 weeks.

Three months post op now and eyes seem pretty good, with the exception of no emotional tearing...and tearing is so helpful if you get something in your eye and do not have drops with you!



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Re: ANS and contacts
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2005, 08:27:51 pm »
  Opthalmics is my Masters Degree emphasis. Comment: Dry eye or eyes occur very frequently and may last indefinitely even with the punctums plugged post Tx.
  Seems reasonable at a point in one's life to dispense with the cosmetics and obtain spectacles. They are cool, there's many lense and frame choices and all in all, less troublesome and cheaper even for those who have normal tear production.


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Re: ANS and contacts
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2005, 04:22:24 pm »
  Glad to hear other people have the same problem!I had my surgery in May.  I too have no tears in the right eye. My ear surgeon said I probaly won't get the tears back. I was having excruitiating(sp?) headaches, while my eye burned and stung.  Did I mention I was wearing disposable contacts?  I went to my eye Dr., who immediately took out my contacts.  He said  my eye was too dry, and repeated wear of my contacts could lead to a ulcerated cornea, which is very painful.  I use  gel during the day, ointment at night and am back to wearing my glasses.  My headaches have reduced greatly.  I decided it wasn't worth losing my vision or going through unneccessary pain.  I still have some blurring in the right eye, but just use my drops more frequently. luv2 teach
3cmx3cm/translab 5/05
University of Michigan
Dr.Telian and Dr.Thompson

BAHA implant-4/07, processor on 8/07


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Re: ANS and contacts
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2005, 08:54:26 am »
I am very happy to report that I am wearing my contacts!!!!! I wore my glasses awhile after surgery.8-2-05 It is not just a cosmetic thing, I feel I see better with my contacts and forget which looks better, I feel better. My eyes are drier than before the surgery but the opthamologist says I should be fine to keep the contacts in.I hope it stays this way.