This is an excellent thread! I want to contribute my little bit, so here goes:
WORST: After a lifetime of relative good health and managing to avoid being a hospital patient, to be diagnosed with a major medical problem requiring surgery and hospitalization was disconcerting, at best. I also disliked the fact that most of what happened post-diagnosis (numerous doctor visits, lab tests, etc) was almost totally out of my immediate control. That was tough - for me, anyway. Knowing my 'natural' hearing in one ear is gone for good - and adjusting to that handicap - is a chore.
BEST[/color]: The unexpected opportunity to reaffirm my faith in the love of God for His creation as I was faced with something (an Acoustic Neuroma tumor) I could not 'fix' entirely on my own. I had to lean on Him....and I did, much to my benefit. Learning how many people I considered casual acquaintances actually cared enough about me to pray for me and demonstrate their personal concern for my well-being was quite humbling. Also, my wife's obvious committment to my care and recovery was equally inspiring, strengthening our bond of love, established over the past 36 years. Lots of good stuff and I think, on balance, for me, it outweighs the bad.