Author Topic: does the tumor come back  (Read 2851 times)


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does the tumor come back
« on: January 07, 2007, 09:19:26 pm »
Hello everyone,
I am 36 years old
I am one year and 3 days post-op 13mm removed via retrosigmoid NYC Jan 4,2006
My docs said my tumor was removed 100%
But, my worry is          rather my question to you guys is
has anyone had the tumor come back?
has anyone had the tumor grow on the other side?
does anyone still have weird things happen inside of their head? when do you fully recover?
i think i have aged 50 years within the past year because of this tumor it has taken its toll on me
and now i just worry about all sorts of stuff
my 6 month post-op MRI had no signs of a tumor
and I am due for my first annual MRI in June 2007 i just get a little anxious
JAN 4,2006 IN NYC


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Re: does the tumor come back
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2007, 10:57:40 pm »
Kym, chances are if your 6 mos one was clean then this one will be too!  I know it's hard not to worry.  Funny I just had a follow up mri a few days after christmas.  My son was more keyed up about it than I was.  The doctor said he got it all the other MRI's confirmed it so I'm not expecting the little bugger to rear it's ugly head again!  Hope all goes well...let us know when we can celebrate with you!