Author Topic: I finally got a hearing date!  (Read 16026 times)


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Re: I finally got a hearing date!
« Reply #45 on: January 12, 2007, 12:21:53 pm »

SORRY I HAVEN'T WISHED YOU 'ALL THE BEST' TILL NOW (been in my own little world).


When I see so many people (I work in a psych. hosp.) who have benefits & SHOULDN'T (I wonder who they paid to get disability),
then hear about people like you who have a LEGITIMATE chronic condition due to a brain tumor, it just

again, ALL THE BEST,     Nancy
2.2cm length x 1.7cm width x 1.3cm  depth
retrosigmoid 6/19/06
Gold weight 7/19/06, removed 3/07
lateral tarsel strip X3
T3 procedure 11/20/07
1.6 Gm platinum weight 7/10/08
lateral canthal sling 11/14/08
Jones tube insert right inner eye 2/27/09
2.4 Gm. Platinum chain 2017
right facial paralysis

Rc Moser

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Re: I finally got a hearing date!
« Reply #46 on: January 28, 2007, 06:30:01 pm »
Funny how illegals can get full SS SSI benefits and they don't even live in the country.  Now the liberals want to give any Illegal SS who has stole or obtained a social security number illegally if they paid in. The SS system is the biggest case of Fraud in the history of this county. But, We as Americans will not stick together and vote the crooks out of office and demand Federal systems to be audited. You would think stealing or obtaining social security numbers and drawing benefits illegally would be a federal crime, but they will only deport them. IF citizens of this county would steal a SS number we would be doing hard time for quite awhile.

THEY WILL DENIE any claim time after time, you will have to get a lawyer (a smart rich crooked Lawyer) if you want to get the few hundred a month. They are cruel cold hearted ______ let you fill in the blank. On the AZ. and Ca. border towns they drum up business from across the border. I seen this on 60 min. a few years ago where a border town in AZ. had pop. of 5 thousands, But they had 18,000 mail boxes. every store in town was a  postal clerk and  had hundreds of post boxes for illegals to receive there SS, SSI, Food stamps, Worker-man comp, and unemployment.  I fellow driving a new dressed out dully pickup said he also has an address in Ca. where he drew several checks for there also. He wouldn't say how much he was getting, but indicated it was over 6k a month.

So, you can see why they won't give it to the paying citizens that has worked the 40 quarters and earned their benefits. 60 mins Asked the store owners about the fraud that was going on with Social security, all they could say was it was good for business. Evidently they would get kickbacks or goods brought before they when back over the boarder. 

Go luck, they make Al Capone look like a boy scout and twice as ruthless, they will smile and act like they going to help you knowing all the time, the big stamp denie, denie, AND DENIE. Only one other Federal orgaination was worst... Anybody remember how the IRS use to be????????

I don't want to just say people south of the boarder drawn benifits. It's a world wide problem I would with Vitnam Forigner, he told me he will only work a few years and then go back to Vitnam and draw SS with NO problems he knows hundreds that doing it right now. What a big slap in the face to use that work and contribute.  The teamster's arn't this crooked.
9/17/03, 4.5CM, Translab, OU Medical Center, Dr. (the ear man) Saunders and Dr. B. (the BrainMAN) Wilson  along with about 4 other Doctors that keep me going for 18 hours.


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Re: I finally got a hearing date!
« Reply #47 on: February 07, 2007, 12:57:07 am »
Hi Capt Deb,

I haven't been on the forum for a while.  I want to congratulate you for your perseverance.  I believe after reading all of the thread here, you have a lot of support that you get your SSD.  So do I.  I too had applied and have been denied once.  Waiting for a hearing is the hardest thing in the world.  You feel guilt that you want to work but can't or don't and I can say from my experience, I am finally giving up on work.

I applied last year in the early spring and within 60 days denied.  After all the doctor bills piled up, and with little or no sympathy from family, friends, doctors, and co-workers, I went back to work in Aug 06.  I work as a Credit Card Customer Service Rep taking in-bound phone calls.  I had Cyberknife treatments Oct 2006.  I hoped I would be able to continue my job but I immediately noticed I couldn't walk without dragging a foot or losing my balance to my desk or from it.  I actually fell into a seated co-worker while trying to go take a bathroom break.  My manager sent me home.  I think at least she realizes that this is not faked.  I have to go down via elevator to the lunch room 3 flights and by the time I get there, I'm sick to my stomach and usually don't eat a lunch.  We can eat at the desk but I want to get away from my work when possible. 

I have louder tinnitus than from before my treatments and I too can't hear a conversation or where it is coming from.  I have an amplified headset but with the volume turned up as loud as it can be, I don't always understand what a customer says.  If I move my head too much even while seated, during the call or transferring someone to another department, that will make me nauseated when I take my eyes off of my task.  Oh,...just one more thing. Since my treatments, I no longer drive.  My wife won't let me and frankly,... I really shouldn't be driving with my balance loss.  I miss my driving!!  I am turning 55 this Oct so it has all been quite depressing and yes,...I too am on Effexor for that.

I occasionally get headaches too, but usually not that severe as you.  What I have found through my research is that your tumor can affect several different nerves.  Lucky for me, my facial nerve had no damages, but I can assure you that my balance, hearing, short-term memory, and energy has been.  I found out that it is the size/location of your tumor that makes all the difference what your disability is going to be.  Don't give up!!!

As for those 95% that can still work, consider yourself very fortunate!  My lawyer is getting ready for my hearing as we speak.  Now that I have documented evidence of falling, and backing of my doctors, I'm going to try again for SSD. 
AN 1st time, July 2003
7mm x 4mm x 5mm
Subocital/Retrosigmode microsurgery
St Anthony's Hospital, St Louis MO
Dr Faisel Albanna, MD Neurosurgeon

2nd regrowth 1cm x 5mm x 4mm, Oct 2006
3 FSR using Cyberknife
St Anthony's Hos. Oklahoma City
Dr Clinton Medbery, III MD Radiologist

3rd 1.8cm x 12mm